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We look beyond symptoms, understand and address the root cause and help you restore health through diet, lifestyle changes and correct supplementation. Functional medicine is a term which is largely unfamiliar to the general public. It has, however, evolved to become a mainstream approach to healthcare in recent times.

The functional medicine model focuses on the process of the development of a disease or health condition through factors such as genetics, diet and lifestyle choices rather than treating the disease itself.

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional medicine can be a little difficult to define, so it’s useful in the first instance to compare it to the conventional medicine approach. In conventional medicine, doctors diagnose a disease and then match it to a specific treatment. When someone is diagnosed with an acute healthcare problem such as a heart attack, infection or trauma like a spinal cord injury, this approach works well.

For many chronic conditions, however, including high blood pressure, digestive issues or many neurological problems, this type of medical intervention can fall short of what is required. With a chronic condition such as irritable bowel syndrome, for example, the medical approach will provide short-term relief but won’t have the impact desired on the long-term suffering of the individual.

Functional medicine takes a holistic process approach and considers the individual as unique. It asks why someone has developed a particular disease, perhaps looking at their lifestyle and diet or their family history. This in-depth investigation leads to suggesting potential changes, such as switching to a certain diet, that could improve the condition of the patient.

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The Future of Healthcare

Personalized care is becoming increasingly prevalent in healthcare environments. The functional model aims to understand the individual’s physiological, biological, emotional and cognitive makeup to determine the best way to achieve optimal health.

Moving away from a medicalized approach, functional medicine can be applied at any level whether that’s from the perspective of a biological mechanism or a social or spiritual function that affects the individual.

To succeed, functional medicine practitioners need to look at the broad view as well as the microscopic and bring these together in an appropriate package of care. Patient-centered care that is responsive to the individual is becoming increasingly important, particularly for chronic conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.